Tuesday, January 1, 2019


 This is the year of resurrection for my blog. Ha ha! I had to choose which one to maintain between Facebook and this so evidently I chose this. I just noticed that I prefer posting lengthy thoughts on Facebook and it made me realize that if I really want to express something without some people being so sensitive about it I might as well breathe a life to my blog. This way, I am the only audience to my angst and weirdness. Besides, one thing I noticed on Facebook is that I get unfollowed by people who may have found me a bit too much with my posts and I'm totally fine with that but when I did the same even if I still tried to reach those people I unfollowed they were offended. Friendship is until on a social media account only, huh? Sad reality, isn't it? Now, I just have to figure out how to get all of my pictures there, hmmmmm. One can't just easily deactivate. One must download butt loads of pictures first! Ha ha ha!

Hence the re-birth of my blog. As much as possible I will enjoy the perks of having a blog. Post things that interest me. Things that will make me a better person and things that I will always cherish with my 'gentle giant', self improvement and such.

Moreover, I wish to improve my skills in writing. I want creativity to flow and help me express my feelings and thoughts fluently in words. We'll see. But most of all, I just really need an outlet to vent. Ha ha!

To close this, I am looking forward to find out who among my friends would  still be willing to connect even without Facebook. For those who chose to end it on Facebook so be it. Good riddance of me, right?  Ha ha! Although I don't want to end this entry sounding like I am bitter. No, don't get me wrong. I am just really tired of Facebook. I want to break free from that place. I need this. This is me. I want my own place. Ha ha. Hello, ME! :D

Hello, 2019!

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