Monday, November 26, 2012


  Another one of my firsts! How proud am I of my family here in Kansas? The answer is, VERY.
They are the most humble and generous people I've ever met. Thanksgiving dinner went so nice but was also full of family updates and goofiness. Learned the ingredients of pumpkin and Douglas county pies. I now declare pumpkin pie as my new favorite dessert. The latter one was so creamy and sweet because it was with pecans and chocolate chips. The star of the feast of course was the turkey which tasted awesomely flavored and tender. Dad is the best person to prepare this big bird.

 We didn't take pictures or maybe we didn't even bother to take pictures because we were so into having quality time although grandma did bring her disposable camera. She's so adorable trying not to get her fingers cover the flash. She's an old fashion when it comes to taking pictures. Takes her camera to Walmart and have the pictures developed. Old but sweet, isn't she?

 Another star of the day on Thanksgiving was our one and only nephew, Dimitri. He is very adorable and for his age he knows vocabularies that even his parents don't know where he heard or got. Words like,"apparently" and "repose". I am talking about a 3 year old little boy here. Isn't he smart? Will post more about him in the coming days. Oh, he is such a cutie!

 Later in the evening we went to Kansas City to join the crowd at the town plaza for the annual Christmas lighting ceremony. It was fun and exciting as we cheered and did the countdown.

Here's the actual countdown and check out the crowd! (just ignore my shrieks and voice. ha ha )

The celebration ended with much love and care. We totally thanked God for the time He allowed us to gather. It was not only about food, it was about a real family, real parents, real love and real faith in God. Remember that there are a lot of things to be thankful for. Start with the life that God has given you freely and everything else will just add as details. I guarantee that you'll always be happy and thankful. ;)

Everything deserves thanksgiving, indeed. :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm here!

  It's true that when you value your time with your love ones you won't get a chance to do other things but enjoy. I still pinch myself from time to time to check if I'm really here in Kansas with "my handsome's" family. It's totally fun being a McGuffin. Parents in-law are so goofy people. God always knows where His children belong. Ha ha! My mother in-law and grandma are spoiling me to pieces and I don't have a plan of abusing that. They just make me feel that I am their daughter and granddaughter who they always wanted to have. How sweet of them! I think me and my sister in-law are the most pampered daughters. BLISS! :D

  Evidently, days are flying so fast because I didn't realize Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I have so many first times this year! Can't exactly count them through my fingers! Ha ha! There are more celebrations to look forward to. One of my first times though and a memorable one was when the church of my in-laws hosted a send a shoe box filled with toys to unfortunate children.We had so much fun filling ours. It's nice to think that somewhere out there a child is going to have a very merry Christmas. It's not always that we get to be a channel of blessing so we might as well grab the chance whenever and however we can.

 About the weather, I can say it's a bit crazy because there are days when it's warm and then the next day it drops hence the woozing and the sneezing all the time but I can't complain because I asked for it! LOL! Allow me to finish this here by just saying that there's so much love in this household that my tiny heart has a hard time processing all of it. I can't help but tear up every time a gesture is done or a love is manifested. How lovely are the works of the Lord that when HE blesses His children, they are always amazed and in awe! Wouldn't you?!

Later! :)