Tuesday, January 1, 2019


 This is the year of resurrection for my blog. Ha ha! I had to choose which one to maintain between Facebook and this so evidently I chose this. I just noticed that I prefer posting lengthy thoughts on Facebook and it made me realize that if I really want to express something without some people being so sensitive about it I might as well breathe a life to my blog. This way, I am the only audience to my angst and weirdness. Besides, one thing I noticed on Facebook is that I get unfollowed by people who may have found me a bit too much with my posts and I'm totally fine with that but when I did the same even if I still tried to reach those people I unfollowed they were offended. Friendship is until on a social media account only, huh? Sad reality, isn't it? Now, I just have to figure out how to get all of my pictures there, hmmmmm. One can't just easily deactivate. One must download butt loads of pictures first! Ha ha ha!

Hence the re-birth of my blog. As much as possible I will enjoy the perks of having a blog. Post things that interest me. Things that will make me a better person and things that I will always cherish with my 'gentle giant', self improvement and such.

Moreover, I wish to improve my skills in writing. I want creativity to flow and help me express my feelings and thoughts fluently in words. We'll see. But most of all, I just really need an outlet to vent. Ha ha!

To close this, I am looking forward to find out who among my friends would  still be willing to connect even without Facebook. For those who chose to end it on Facebook so be it. Good riddance of me, right?  Ha ha! Although I don't want to end this entry sounding like I am bitter. No, don't get me wrong. I am just really tired of Facebook. I want to break free from that place. I need this. This is me. I want my own place. Ha ha. Hello, ME! :D

Hello, 2019!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Forever To Go

Every anniversary is a milestone journey in marriage. Every couple goes through tough times. We had our share. We thought we were going to be screwed. We thought we were going to be homeless, penniless and anything more that could go less...but i never felt our love for each other gone less.

I am grateful to God for giving me someone to fight life, to celebrate it... to live it like there's no tomorrow and most especially to face every challenge it throws. I know your arms are always ready to envelope me with loving care whenever i face my devils. I am a strong woman now because I have a tougher guy supporting me. More than anything else, I am thankful that you are YOU... a simple man with a big heart.

Our journey has not even sailed that far yet. We still have a lot of storms to weather but knowing that you will be next to me and you trust God as our anchor, I can confidently say our ship is going to sail farther and gracefully.

We need to thank God that every time we open our eyes in the morning we see each other still and we feel the love instilled. Nine years down and forever to go.

Happy Anniversary to us, my hathome. I love you even more each day, my gentle giant.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How would i...

show my gratitude to the mother I only knew for 8 years in my life? How would I express the deep longing to have her around knowing that I was accused of killing her? Should I be scared to say that I miss her? That I shouldn't be missing her because I caused her death, anyway? How could the 8 year old little girl in me say that I miss her when at the time that little girl was hated, unwanted and maligned?

Sometimes I find myself wallowing in the voices of the people who accused me of her death. My soul anguishing as I see them one by one in my mind. And then the gnarling sets in. I couldn't help myself from being pulled down into the darkest pit where no one was there to help me out. No familiar faces, no love ones. NO ONE. I was alone.

Then I would start collecting memories from the 8 years that I saw her. She was there; stitching my notebooks, handing me a present wrapped in a small box; a matchbox with jewelry inside. She was there telling me to read aloud. In English. She was there singing, yes singing. She was singing at church, at home and at the studio. She was there encouraging me to sing.And then she was in her booth. Her voice waving on the air giving home tips to her listeners; mostly mothers. She was there in the family picnics. She was there reprimanding the four of us because we didn't take a nap in the afternoon. She was there defending me from a pervert man.She was there helping other people. She was there scolding the housemaids for listening to another radio station aside from her station. She was there attending school plays for me. She was there giving instructions to the dressmaker of the particulars of our dresses. She never made us wear retail clothing; they were always tailored. And lastly, she was there concealed by a curtain on a stretcher. I couldn't go to her because there was an excruciating pain from my waist down to my legs. I tried to crawl but someone saw me and picked me up. All I heard during that time were people praying and rebuking. I wanted to say, shut up people! I want to hear my mother. What is she saying? Is she looking for me? Is she angry at me for losing the other pair of my shoes? I never thought the accident was fatal. I thought we both made it; bruised and injured only. Apparently not. Her struggling voice was the last memory I had of her.

Growing up I learned to accept that no one's going to be there for me except God. I flourished into a woman whose heart depends and relies only to God. No family. No relatives. I worked hard and didn't bother anyone as I believed I have caused too much griefs and problems already.The distance from all the relatives became my safety net.

Now, I want to put up that net again. God knows how much I struggled to understand every detail of my mother's death. From now on, whoever relates to me should believe that I didn't kill my mother. Other than this, I don't have any business with anyone anymore. Life has a lot more to offer. I am not going backwards. There are more people needing help than spending every moment thinking that there are vultures who are just waiting to attack me again just to eat up the dead part of my past. I think I let down my net for a while thinking that things have changed but I was totally wrong. I was fortunate enough that the mask went down early. It saved me time and efforts.

Nay, only you and God know the whole story. However things turned out I never doubted the thought that you would love me unconditionally. All I can say right now is, THANK YOU. Thank you for giving me the chance to be called your daughter. Thank you for those eight wonderful-learning years of knowing you. I know you're the only person who wouldn't hate and judge me.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Your Birthday...

always reminds me that I am married to a wonderful man. A wonderful man whose wish is very simple for his special day; some baked potatoes. "What is tatoes, precious?" he he he.

A man who is not afraid to show who his hero is. Excuse me, I mean who his hero was. Ha ha ha!

A man who tries to act naturally! An oxymoron, he is! He he he.


What other way to wake him up than showing this?

And these!

My 'hathome', my gentle giant; it's another year for you yet you don't seem to age at all!

Thank you for your life and thank you for offering your life to God.



Thursday, November 20, 2014

The day the McGoofies didn't want to get up

The weather was so nice this morning. Got out, taught and then went back to bed. He he he. I crawled inside the sheet again and didn't want to get out of bed anymore. It was a bliss! The rain and the wind were enough lullabies for us. We were at the coziest place on the planet. :)

Here we are; the McGoofies, who wished work wouldn't pull us out of bed but no, eventually, we got up, made breakfast and taught again. Ah, life. You're treating us well. Thank you.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Happy Birthday to my mother in-law; my friend!

I am one of the few who is blessed with a very Godly and loving mother in-law!

Mom, thank you for being you and for always reminding us that life's real happiness is in simple things and spending time with family is a treasure. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. We are always grateful for your life. God bless you as you continue to touch other people's lives.

I can't wait to hug you again and smell your perfume. I remember I used to chase your scent after you left for work and then I would sit at your nook and savor the moment knowing that you were there and that you will come home at the end of the day. It made me relive my childhood, my early memories with my mother. Thank you. I love you and hope to see you again soon.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Half a decade of being married to YOU

I started this blog a year after we got married and now it's been 5 years since I was swept off my feet. This is for you, my gentle giant.

I want you to know that I am so blessed to have you even though you married a crazy and goofy woman. You understand me inside out. You seem to always know the things running in my mind. You even state them before I could. You read me like an open book. You know my past yet you assure me of a future with God forever.

You make me feel so secure that even if I look disgusting early in the morning you call me pretty. When was I ever ugly to you? NEVER. Thank you.

Thank you for eating every meal I prepare for you whether experimental or not (grin). You always know how to tickle my interests and challenge me on things that you know I can excel more. I was never creative. I never knew that I could do arts and crafts before you came into my life. I never baked nor owned an oven. All of these happened when there was you.

Your love for music and arts draws us more together most especially with the music that makes us closer to God. Your talent in music is exceptional yet you are very humble about it. It keeps me grounded.

Your humility always makes me realize that life is not about rush and glamour. It's how to make it meaningful. In you there's always assurance that life will be okay wherever we may be as long as we are together.

Lastly, I know that my security in this relationship is sealed with our covenant with God because you always lead me to it. I always look forward for tomorrows with you because I know you will always be there; smiling and calling me, little.

Thank you for the 5 wonderful years you've given me. Here's to us for more years as we continue to journey together.

I LOVE YOU. I will never get tired of saying it every chance I get.